

You may search by keyword, author’s name (e.g. Austen, Jane), title of audiobook, or narrator.
SURNAME should precede FIRST NAME, separated by a comma and space, for best results.

Contains all words
Contains the exact phrase
Contains at least one word


Entering an author’s name? Try “Contains all words”. Entering a title? Be EXACT, and try “Contains the exact phrase”.
Try the various search options, and remember if you’re doing an exact search, you MUST include all words and punctuation (e.g., Austen, Jane - not Jane Austen or Austen Jane).
Or BROWSE through the genres by clicking onto the genre links on the left of this page.
Still no luck? Contact us with the title(s) you want to check, and we will let you know whether the titles you want exist as audiobooks.





Please note: price are listed in Australian dollars and include GST. Prices subject to change without notice.
Minimum deposit $20 required when ordering titles not in stock. (Non-refundable for cancelled orders; refundable if title unobtainable.)
UA = unabridged, word-for-word

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